Friday, 23 March 2012

Number 1 is NOT Negotiable

So in tennis most writers feel the need to take exception with the current ranking system and formulate their own make shift rankings. A practice that I don’t share the same enthusiasm for. Why have a system that seemingly holds true to form 90% of the time just to scrutinize it when it may not be favorable to popular opinion once every so often.

Wozniacki was the latest to test the limits of my frustration in this matter. When she slipped to number 2 I was so relieved. Not because I have any issue with her, in fact I am a fan of hers but because of the constant media bombardment contesting her number 1 ranking. The way I see it, if the rankings show you are number 1, YOU ARE NUMBER 1! With that, it should be honored and uncontested. Otherwise what is the point?! All it does is discredit the game. This grand slam fascination is ridiculous. Sure it shows that one man or woman has risen to permanently etch their name in the walls of greatness but I am sorry, to me, Caroline Wozniacki is a far better player than Thomas Johansson who won the Australian in 2002. Not to mention a great ambassador for tennis which I believe is rather important when labeling a number 1. Sure its not results driven and in no way am I saying that you cant be number one unless you are marketable, all I’m saying is that, if you are, bonus.

If it’s all about slams then the debate is done, Federer is the greatest of all time!!!! No more arguing the fact that players weren’t allowed to compete some slams due to belonging to other tennis bodies such as World Team Tennis or that many opted not to take part in the Aussie back in the 70’s and 80’s, heck Agassi played his first one 8 years into his career. Slams are the glorious pinnacle of this sport but not the end all and be all. If so then are we to say that Petr Korda is as great as Andy Roddick?

That being said, right now, is Federer the real number one in the sport? Haha joking, kind of… I am not questioning the rankings especially after Djokovic’s amazing 2011 all I am saying is that heading into tournaments are players hoping to avoid Djokovic or Federer right now when the draws are announced?

Djokovic is the Aussie champ and no way am I taking that away from him but unlike last year, especially in the semis and finals of the 2012 Australian, he looked like he was hitting up hill as opposed to last season. Granted, he still got the job done which says a lot. But now there have been some failures enroot to the next slam. By comparison, this time last season his aura was that of invincibility and though beating him now will still take an exceptional effort (Isner) it just seems doable. If ever there was a time when Nadal would like to have a crack, this is it.

Speaking of Nadal, if you are counting it is now 10 months since the former number one has won a singles title. Not since last years French! I know, crazy! He will bounce back. Clay is coming and he is not done yet. That being said, one has to wonder if he should struggle on clay this season where it will lead him. Whether he finds his way or continues to struggle, by his standards, he is clearly not in the debate right now of “who is number 1”

So who else besides the defending champion of just about every tournament this season, old faithful, Roger Federer. What more can be said about this guy? What does he think he’s doing? That may be a thought in Djoko’s mind perhaps Murray and Nadal as well. “Go away and let us enjoy our primes you greedy bugger:” Though they’d never admit it, I’m sure deep down the gang in their mid 20’s is perhaps thinking it.

Federer is running the tables so far. three titles on the year along with three titles to end the 2011 season. Two out of three wins on his nemeses Nadal, and the year end Masters title. His only two losses since last September, which was a half a year ago, was to Nadal in the Aussie and Isner in Davis Cup (which I hardly count, just a personal opinion) Two losses he promptly avenged in Indian Wells. Federer and his camp have clearly implemented a new weapon to his game, “the 06”. A James Bond-like sounding plan. Its as if a switch was flicked and the decision to play like the 2006 master was kicked into gear. Never mind his age, what Federer is doing is providing the tennis world which is probably only a few million more than the Federer fans a chance to see him rehash his brand of dominance. An “in case you missed it” gift.

Federer is mighty close to catching Nadal in the number 2 slot but all of a sudden his hope to reclaim number one is not looking as optimistic as once imagined but more realistic that most would have admitted. Clearly he is the man to beat right now based on his play and how on Earth can that be a logical statement based on all that Djokovic has done in the past 12 months? The season is long and we will see how it plays out but right now its looking like 2011 has graduated to 2006 somehow and if we know one thing about Federer, when he gets on a roll, he is deadly. That roll is right now heading 300 miles an hour downhill. Luckily for some, there is a giant pile of red clay fast approaching ready to halt if not slow him down. Should be interesting.

Once again all respect to the current and deserving number 1 player in the world, until he loses it, he owns it. To those who throw out the stats that Djokovic has won four of the last five slams, you are absolutely correct. I’d be a fool to argue that point and don’t even wish to try. I will say one thing, and it’s only something to keep in mind and that is, since Federer started this 6 month run only ONE slam has been played.